Green Coffee - Arabica Vietnam - TASSE COFFEE PROJECT
Green Coffee - Arabica Vietnam - TASSE COFFEE PROJECT

Green Coffee - Arabica Vietnam

Tasse Coffee

Regular price $497.86 $826.25 SALE

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Vietnam has a very long and proud coffee history, it is the second-largest coffee producer in the world although most of this is Robusta for the instant coffee and blending markets. The French introduced the cultivation of coffee to Vietnam during the late 1800s and brought up to the mountains of Vietnam. The volcanic soil and cooling mists of the highlands made it the ideal land for coffee.

This coffee is grown in Cau Dat (known as Dalat) at about 1600 meters above the sea level. Its elevation and climate quickly proved the region as being the best in Vietnam for growing Arabica.

In a cup: Caramel, butter, milk chocolate, "classic coffee" aroma.*

Harvest Year: 2022-2023
ContinentalRegion: South East Asia
Country: Vietnam
Region: Caudat (Dalat)
Varietals: Catimor
Process: Washed
Elevation: 1300 -1600 masl

**Please note that cupping notes are subjective and are affected by the way the beans were roasted, taster's opinions, etc.